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Please help! Upgrading tank...

23 16:36:26

I've had a 10 gallon tank for about two years now with just one yellow electric lab living it it, when I initially bought the tank, the people at the pet store of course didn't inform me about the nitrogen cycle; luckily, my fish survived the ordeal. About five or six days ago I upgraded his tank to a 20 gallon, I'm wondering if since it is a new tank if it'll cycle again as well...I used the same filter (acceptable for up to 20 gallons) all the same decorations, and all the original gravel plus some new. The only thing that sat out of the water was the filter for about 20 minutes I would say. It is a Penguin bio-wheel. Sooo, please help me, am I going to cycle again? I don't think I can put my fish through that again, if so, does Fritz-Zyme #7 help the process?  I really am against putting chemicals in his tank unless absolutely necessary, he also hasn't been eating as hardy as usual either...i've been taking out all the uneaten food right away as well.

Temp- 76
PH- 7.4 (i know a little low for yellows)
Ammonia- have gotten it tested twice since the switch so far so good

thank you!

Hi Katie.  I found a great website for you that will give you step by step instructions on switching tanks.  I think if you do it this way, you will wind up with minimal problems with "cycling".  The main thing is to keep a check on your water parameters by testing.  If you do not have a good freshwater test kit, I would certainly go get one, as it is worth the money.  I don't think you will wind up with any big problems.

Good luck, and if I can help you out along the way, please write me back!  I would love to hear from you about how you made out in the end.   ;o)