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Foam in my aquarium

23 15:44:29

I have a 3 gal fresh water aquarium that I set up 3 weeks ago. I have no fish in it yet. A week ago there was foam covering the top of the aquarium so I cleaned it out. Now a week later the foam is back. I would appreciate any advice you can give me on solving this issue.

Thank you,
Jeff Addison

Dear Jeff,
There are two major reasons why aquariums foam -
My first thought is what water conditioner/dechlorinator are you using. If it ever so happens to be Aquasafe, this water conditioner has a tendancy to foam like soap suds at any surface agitation. Especially when recently added and it is even worse in small aquariums like yours. The bubbling isn't really harmful, and no offence to Aquasafe it is a very good water conditioner. But this could certainly be at least part of your problem. The foam should eventually dissapaite before long. Surface agitation causes quite bad foam problems especially when water conditioners are the cause. Particularly Airstones whom bubble away but the water conditioner often creates a fine layer over the bubbles and causes their surface to be a bit stronger and so they gather in a big mass.
Another possible cause is organic buildup in your aquarium.This is again, best told by airstones cause dissolved organic compounds become adhered to the bubbles and cause them to stay put where they are. The best cure for this would be a water change including gravel vacumming and making sure the filter is running well. Make sure there aren't any decaying plants or plant leaves and of course insure you aren't overfeeding or that leftover food is present in the aquarium.
So there you go... Basically two thing most common that make the aquarium surface covered in bubbles that never pop as they should. Sometimes water conditioners are the biggest culprit and sometimes organic buildup (in otherwords--pollution) in the aquarium causes foam buildup.
I really hope this helps solve your foaming problem!
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