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I think my angels are sick

23 16:40:18

QUESTION:  About 4 days ago, my husband and I noticed our 3 angel fish staying at the top of the tank hanging out in front of the filter stream. We also noticed that they weren't eating, are rubbing up against plants, and have a white veiny looking stripe on the top of them. Yesterday, we did a 50% water change, used start right tabs, changed filter, and used added 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt per each half gallon. So far there is no change. Do you have any idea what may be wrong with them and have any suggestions? We were thinking maybe a parasite or fungus and that's why we used the salt. All the other fish, including a different type of angel seem to be fine.

Tammy O

ANSWER: Hi Tammy
What size is the tank?
How many and what kind of fish are in the tank?
Do you have a test kit?  If so, what's the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates readings?
How long's the tank been set up?
Anything new added to the tank recently?
Do they look like they're gasping at the surface, or breathing heavy(gills moving fast)?

It doesn't sound like a fungus, fungus usually looks fluffy, kind of like cotton.  It's also usually a secondary infection to an injury or bacterial infection.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Christy, this is Tammy again. Actually I noticed later last night that the white stuff is spreading and it does look like cotton. So how do I treat fungus? My tank is in between a 32-35 gallon (not sure). In the tank we have 2 black moore's, 2 rainbow sharks, 3 bottom feeders?, 2 tiger barbs, 3 neons, 4 other small fish (tiger barb size), a fancy angel, a bala shark, and the 3 sick angels. I found out yesterday that it's probably not a good idea to keep the bala because it gets too big. We have had the tank about 3 months, and yes, we did add new fish last week (the bala shark and fancy angel). I am going out today to get a test kit to test ammonia, and nitrates. As I mentioned before, we did a 50% water change and added the start right, salt, and changed filter. If it is a secondary infection what medication do you reccomend and what is the survival rate. They don't seem to be breathing too fast, just staying at the surface. Hope to hear from you soon, hopefully before I go to pet store. Thank you very much for your advice and time.
ANSWER: Hi Tammy
If you haven't gone to the pet store yet, I'd pick up some tetracycline or some Maracyn Two, and I'd also pick up some Maroxy.  One is for a bacterial infection and the other treats fungal infections.  I really can't say at this point what is wrong with your fish, without knowing what the water quality readings are.  

Your tank is overstocked pretty bad.  You're correct on the bala shark, they grow to about 10-12 inches.  It's not recommended to mix goldfish(moors) with tropical fish.  Goldfish prefer a cooler water temperature in the low 70's, and they put out a lot of ammonia naturally through their waste/respiration.  The sharks can be aggressive and territorial, and usually they don't tolerate other sharks at all so it's recommended to only have one of them in a tank.  Don't know what kind of bottom feeders you have, and the tiger barbs and neons prefer to be in a school of at least 5.  Tiger barbs aren't a good combo with angels, because angels have longer fins and the tiger barbs tend to be fin nippers.  And, not sure what the other 4 fish are you have so can't say anything about them.  

I think your tank would be ideal with 2 angels, the neons(and add a few of them), the bottom feeders-depending what they are, and possibly the other 4 small fish.  I'd strongly suggest getting rid of a lot of those fish, or upgrading to a much larger tank.  Just my opinion...but the problem with overstocked tanks, the fish end up stunted, the water quality is usually poor-which leaves the fish stressed and prone to bacterial and parsitic infections.  

If you have a separate tank, I'd recommend moving the sick fish and treating them in a quarantine tank.  I would go ahead and use both those medicines I suggested earlier.  It could be a fungal infection, but like I said, that's usually a secondary infection to an injury or bacterial infection.  It also could be a bacterial infection called columnaris.  If that's the case, keep an eye on your other fish for symptoms as well.  It is fairly contagious.  I have a feeling one of your new fish you added may have brought it in, if your fish got sick soon after that.  But again, it's hard to say without knowing what the water quality is like.  That alone is enough to stress the fish causing diseases.  

Let me know if you have more questions, and good luck with whatever you decide to do with them!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Christy, I checked the ammonia levels last night and they were high (.50). We tried ammonia remover (by Top Fin)twice and the levels are still reading the same. I am also treating fish with the Marycn Two and Melafix. Today there is still no change in fish and fungus seems even worse than yesterday on the fish, and they are still not eating. However, I do realize I have to use Marycn 2 and Melafix for full 5 days. We already did a 50% water change. Do the readings mean we have to do another water change, and if so how much? We are also going to remove the Black Moores from the tank today when we get another aquarium for them. What do you suggest we do, and is it safe to use all these medications and ammonia remover at the same time? Boy is fish care expensive (haha).


Hi Tammy
Yes, fish's can be very expensive lol!!  I look at the prices of some of that stuff, it's amazing.  

I've never used the Top Fin Ammonia Remover, so I looked it up online.  It looks like it basically will convert ammonia to a non toxic form.  It's also a dechlorinator, so you could use it when you do your water changes, it'll remove chlorine/chloramines.  The problem with those products, you'll still get positive readings on your ammonia tests.  That's most likely why you're still seeing it show up.  

I would stop using the MelaFix, and save it for another use.  The Maracyn Two is the antibiotic, MelaFix has antibacterial properties, but works better for fin and tail injuries or minor infections.  I don't think it'll do much, so just save it-it's good stuff to have on hand though.  PimaFix will help with fungal infections and some bacterial infections.  I also think that's good stuff to have on hand.  You could try the PimaFix or else some Maroxy for the fungal infection.  Any chance you can send me a picture of the fungal infections?  If so, send it to  and just put fish picture or something in the subject.  There's a few bacterial infections that look like fungus.  But if that's the case, then the Maracyn Two should clear it up.  But, if it is a fungal infection, need to use something to treat that.  I may be able to tell to save you the few $ for a fungus med....

The stuff you're using is fine, meds can stress the fish when used unnecessarily.  Like I said, just save your money and stop using the MelaFix.  It's not hurting anything, but it's not helping either, so save it for a rainy day.

That's good you're moving the black moors, that'll help a bit.  Be sure to monitor your tank though, when ammonia spikes, nitrites will usually spike soon after.  Just monitor and do frequent daily water changes till the tank works itself out.  

Let me know how it goes, and if you can send those pictures.
