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help for dwarf gourami with tumors

25 9:12:07

Thank you for your quick reply.  I've now got some pictures and wonder how to get them to you and, if after viewing, your recommendation differs and, if not, what form of euthanasia do you believe least hurtful for the fish?  i was going to add about a cup of vodka to his .75 gallon hospital tank but am now being told that being put into the freezer is better.


Followup To

Question -
i bought a turquoise dwarf gourami a month ago and the poor thing has been through so much and is STILL alive (though i've been thinking about euthanasia for more than a week) that i'm just desperate to get him some help.  

bought him- seemed fine.  brought him home to a 3-week old tank (still cycling) where he was a little bullied by a betta and then (best as I can tell) attacked by a chinese algae eater who damaged scales on both sides.  somewhere right along in the middle of this, the gourami developed a 'pimple' on its lower jaw that would grow and then seem to erupt and shrink and then grow again, so on and so on.  several days later, he got another pimple-like thing above his opposite eye.  this one looked more like a tumor (sort of like a piece of raw hamburger pushing out from between the scales).  amazingly, despite a scary coating of fungus on his damaged scales, he recovered from the algae eater attacks and turned the table on the betta whom he began to bully.  i tried treating with Life Bearer (recommended by  Ocean Aquarium in SF) and then with Maracyn 2 (recommended by Albany Aquarium).  no progress other than what i described and the tumors have grown and grown.  they are now popping out on other places on his sides and the above-the-eye one has grown so much as to distort his head.  he's been isolated for the past week. he still tries, occasionally, to eat but has difficulty because he can't hardly open his mouth.  his abdomen and sides seem very firm and full with what i believe is more tumor rather than food.  

as i said- i've thought long and hard (and researched) about euthanasia and have half a bottle of vodka at the ready BUT i'm so impressed with his will to live and ability to survive that i'm not sure what would be best for him, ya know?

ANY advice, recommendations, resources you can suggest would be VERY much appreciated.

elizabeth and gourami

Answer -

I'm sorry, but I think at this point euthanasia would be the best way for him to go. Clearly he is struggling lots and in a lot of pain, because he can't eat. Tumours have no cure in fish. I'm very sorry. You have a very brave gourami.

I hope this helps.



Don't put him in the freezer! That is actually a terrible way to kill a fish! He will slowly suffocate while he freezes. The best way to kill a fish is to decapitate him. If you know someone who likes to fish, they may be able to help. Sorry I can't be of more assistance but thinking of killing a fish makes me sick... although I do support it in this case.

Unfortunately the only way you could show me these pictures, if you still feel you have to, would be if you could upload them to an internet site and give me the URL. If you are really interested in doing so Photobucket is a good picture hosting site.

Let me know.

From Stephanie