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23 16:10:24

I have a 30 Gallon, aeration, powerful filter and live plants.  It is understocked at the moment.  I have 4 cories, 1 oto, 5 glowlights, 1 black neon and 2 neons. Three black neons died and 4 neons died when i had all the fish in a 20 gallon.

I want to add 4 more black neons, 5 neons, 7 rummynose tetras and a black tailed shark.

This would seem overstocked but would the tetras affect thw water parameters because they are so small?  I do 35% every four days so i do water changes and I love my fish.

Thanks  Jack

Hi Jack
You know, I hate to say neons don't count because they're so small, but really, they won't have too much of an affect on anything.  I would probably go ahead and add the regular neons last though.  
Otherwise, sounds fine to me.  Just add the fish slowly, a few at a time, wait a week or so, then add a few more to allow the beneficial bacteria time to catch up to the extra fish.  

Water change schedule is good also!  Good luck!  Let me know if you have more questions.
