Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > newb


23 15:37:25

i was wondering if you could help me. I'm thinking of getting more in to fish and i usually only have a one gallon  tank with only one fish in it, i;I'm thinking of expanding to a 10 gallon tank that i have recently found and i was wondering if you had any tips on species and what to feed, ect. any help would be wonderful


     There are so many different types of fish out there so I find it easier to ask you what type of fish do you want. If you do not want a heater then of course you will need a cold water fish. If you want tropical fish then you will need a heater. With a ten gallon tank, we don't want to over stock it either. So, once you figure out what kind of tank you want it will be easier to figure out what type of fish to get. Each fish eat a different type of food, need different water types and different ways to take care of them. Once you have figure out the type of tank, let me know and then we can see what to do and what to get.