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Low ph and high nitrates

23 15:53:44

1 sailfin pleco - 1 bala - 2 tiger barbs - 1 catfish - 1 tetra in a 38 gal. tank. Pleco is about 6-7" long and eats everything and produces high waste. It seems that I need to clean every 48hrs to keep up. My ph level has lowered 6.0 from 6.8 and nitrates are high. Is the pleco to large for the tank? Is the high waste from it keeping me at danger water levels? I feel I must trade pleco in for a smaller algea eater fish. Please advise, Thank u

Hi Denise,

Yes, you will need to find a new home or trade in the Pleco. A healthy adult Pleco will eventually reach a size of 20" or more, requiring a tank of at least 80-100 gallons. Also, the Bala Shark is NOT compatible with your tank. It will reach an adult size of 18" or more, requiring a 75 gallon or more tank.

I'd recommend that you buy 4 more catfish and 4 more Tetras, because both are schooling species, and will not do well alone. Also, buy 4 more Tiger Barbs, because they can be aggressive when kept in pairs or small groups.

I'd perform a 10% water change every day until the Pleco and Bala are gone. You might want to get your tap water tested, because that is the most likely cause of your water condition. Tap water values fluctuate over the year, and so sometimes that's the cause.

You can add some live plants (Hardy ones: Java Fern, Hygro, Wisteria) to help consume some of the nitrates. Other than that, the only safe way to remove nitrates is by regular water changes.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!