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29 gallon

23 15:34:14

i have a 29 gallon planted tank but my plants are not making it...i have florite substrate and a light that is for plants i got at home depot also i have two Australian rainbow and 2 skunk botia... one of the sunks are flashing im not sure why. im planing to get 2 more rainbows hopeful tomorrow and maybe a pleco. do you think a 29 will do with those fishes? any tips or ideas?

ANSWER: Hi Steven,

Plants won't make it if the lighting isn't sufficient.

Flashing can be a sign of Ich.  Keep a lookout in the tank for an infection.

What kinds of plants do you have in there?

What heat source is there?

What are the filtration specifications?

The plants you choose must fit your choices of fish, environmental conditions and temperature.  They must be fully aquatic to survive in a planted tank, appropriately, and housed appropriately.

I hope this helps and look forward to your additional responses.

Happy fish-keeping.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i might just take out the plants and just add fake plants. i am going to have 4 australian rainbow fish ad 2 skunk botia do you think that all that will do well in the 29? also well i have room for either a pleco or maybe ghost shrimp?

ANSWER: Hello again. :)

I do think it should be fine, with the fish you have.  Certainly, that's not over-stocking a 29.

The ghost shrimp and a pleco should be fine, but be cautious with the pleco.  They grow extremely large, extremely fast.  Mine were 18" in just 2.5 years.

Ghost Shrimp are awesome.  I keep them myself.

You will really enjoy them, if the fishes don't eat them up.

Happy fish-keeping.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: mistake i think i now have 6 rainbows and 2 skunks..... im thinking i might sell 2 rainbows do you think i should? hopefully ill get a bristle nose pleco or a chocolat pleco.. anything but a common pleco

Hi Steven,

Anytime you decrease 2 fish to 1, the tank is going to be healthier.  Less fish = better water quality, less algae and better filtration.  It will also be more eye-pleasing to replace the normal pleco with a bristlenose, or chocolate.  I love them, personally.

Hope my opinion counts lol.  Happy fish-keeping.