Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Guppies


23 15:27:38

Hi i have a 10 gallon tank @ home & in it i have 2 snails & 2 guppies, one orange (i think a tequila sunrise guppy?..) , & one blue, i got them @ petsmart about 6months ago and also i have a few catfish the ones that stay @ the bottom, they have all been in the tank together from the beggining, and @ first the 2 guppies seemd 2 like each other, but just this past week i noticed the orange 1 (who's a little bigger) kind of "bullying" the blue one. The blue one kinda stays on the bottom now, kinda even acts sickly, but will swim to top when time for feedings, & when he does the orange one will chase it all around. Is this normal?


It is normal if both of the guppies are male. The tank is a bit small and the main guppy wants to make sure the other knows he is king. Guppies should be at a ratio of 3 females to one male. But I am thinking that both of your guppies are male and unless one is removed this will continue until one is sick, injured or dead. I would upgrade the tank to a 20 gallon and add a couple females to the mix. Of course when you do that you will end up with a lot of guppy fry(babies) or you can remove one of the males.