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is my fish pregnant and was it labeled correctly in store?

23 15:40:41


pregnant fish?
I bought a male and 2 females of a fish labeled blue flame molly in a local fish store about a month ago and now the females have grown larger in the stomach and i was wondering if they are pregnant and if i should be expecting fry or are they just getting fat.  Also i was wondering if you agree with the label of the type of fish the store had, i think they might be Platies not Mollies.  I will attach a picture, if you need more i can provide them.  In the attached photo the male is on top with no orange coloring and female on bottom.

Hi Ian,
The bottom fish is definitely a female Platy, but I am not sure about the top fish.  I would have to see him sideways.

Platies and Mollies cannot interbreed so if you have a male of one species and females of another species, you wont have fry.  You will notice if the females are pregnant when they bellies swell.  Since these fish are not egg-layers and are live-bearers, their bellies will swell to about twice their original size.  The parents will eat the babies, so you would have to provide a lot of ground cover for them to hide in, or you need to seperate the babies and feed them until they are big enough to not fit in the parents mouth.  

Fry will eat crushed and grounded powdered fish flakes.  There are many people saying they NEED baby brine shrimp and etc but taht is not true.  I have kept many platies before, and they all did very well with crushed flakes for fry.  I ground them into a powder between my fingers and sink it to them.  