Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Molly Suitablilty?

Molly Suitablilty?

23 15:54:54

QUESTION: Hi Nathan,

I'm considering buying 4 Black Mollies (1 Male, 3 females) for my 30 gallon aquarium which currently only consists of 4 Red Wagtail Platy fish (1 Male, 3 females). Would the Mollies be suitable for this tank, or is it not recommended?

I have an AquaClear 30, plus one sponge filter and a Rena air pump which I attach to a small airstone.

I look forward to your response, and thanks in advance.

ANSWER: Hi Marianne,

You'll be happy to know that Black Mollies and any other type of Molly will go perfectly along with your Platies. All of the 4 Livebearer species can be mixed (Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies.)

Some people prefer to use salt for Mollies, as they originate from somewhat brackish water, although they can be kept entirely in freshwater. Some people prefer to use a small bit of salt, but it's really not necessary. If you want to use salt, one tablespoon for every 10 gallons is adequate (3 tablespoons.)

One male and 3 females is the best choice for Livebearers. You seem to have a great setup - keep up the excellent work!

Best wishes, and Happy fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your previous response. I have one more question - Could I possibly keep 4 Corydoras Catfish along with the Platies and Mollies? These will be the last fish I add to the tank. I will also purchase some plants.

Thanks once again.

Hi Marianne,

You can certainly keep Corydoras catfish with Platies and Mollies. Cory cats inhabit the bottom of the aquarium, and will seldom come in contact with your other fish. One important thing to note is that you will need to feed Algae Wafers or another type of sinking food, like shrimp pellets to your Cories. Leaving them to scavenge for uneaten food is just not adequate, and many novices have had their Cories die because they thought that they could live off other fishes' poop! (How terrible!)

Cory cats will occasionally come to the surface and dart back down, taking a gulp of air. this is normal behavior, and not a cause for concern, unless they do this extremely frequently, which means your tank lacks oxygen.

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!