Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Cherry Barbs with Ich

Cherry Barbs with Ich

23 16:30:30

QUESTION: Hi Karen,  I have 2 Cherry Barbs in my 29 gal. tank that I just noticed have Ich. I removed them and put them in my hospital tank.  But, I'm wondering if I should treat the whole tank?  All of the other fish seem to be ok, so far. What are the chances that they'll all get it?  If they don't have it now and I treat the tank will this harm them?  
Thank you, Toni

ANSWER: Hi Toni,
Sometimes you get lucky and only a few fish in the tank will get ick while the others will be healthy. But be careful, sometimes that doesn't always work out that way. Keep a close watch on the other fish. Sorry to hear the cherry barbs are sick.

If you decide to treat the tank just remember that the medication will wipe out your beneficial bacteria colonies which will result in ammonia levels spiking. So try to keep up with water changes as much as you can.

Best of luck and I hope everything turns out alright!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Karen,  I decided to treat the entire tank, because, I noticed that a few other fish started getting spots on them. They are all doing much better.  The Ick is clearing up.  I have been doing the water changes and watching the amonia levels.  They have been good.  The only thing I am experiencing is my tank is cloudy.  Is that normal? Will it clear up when I am finished treating the tank and get things back to normal?

Thanks again for all of your help,

Hi Toni,
I figured it would probably be best to treat the entire tank in the long run. I'm glad to hear everyone is doing better. Make sure to keep treating for at least 2 weeks to make sure every last ick parasite is gone even if the ick disappears on the fish, they can still be in the gravel multiplying.

The cloudiness is normal and just a bacterial bloom due to an imbalance in the tank. As soon as you can get the full treatment period is up for the ick, then you can work on getting rid of the medication and getting your tank clear again. Using carbon in your filter and doing daily 50% water changes are best. Don't worry about the cloudiness for now. It will clear with time.

Best wishes and you're welcome!!