Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My Bubble eye goldfish

My Bubble eye goldfish

23 16:30:31

QUESTION: I have a bubble eye goldfish who has been with me for almost a year now. A few months ago, his right bubble was popped and has since come back. Within the past week or so, the right bubble was a cloudy white color. I looked today and now his cheek is normal colored but there is a white residue at the bottom of his cheek. I was wondering what was wrong with him and if there is anything I could do to. I do have other fish in the tank, and they all get along wonderfully but I do not want to put them in danger either.
Thank you for your time!

ANSWER: Sounds bacterial. What other fish are in the tank? The eye cloudiness is typically caused by poor water quality, poor diet, bacterial infection, eye flukes... Most commonly poor water conditions. What are your levels? Frequent water changes, a high vitamin food should fix it. Eye flukes are uncommon and difficult to diagnose and treat.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Along with my bubble eye I have a fairly nice sized ryukin, an oranda and a small fan tail. I try to change the water as frequently as possible but I have several different opinons on how often it should be done so I do mine once to twice a week. With food, I have been feeding them Goldfish flakes with the occasional floating pellets. I have not been able to check the water levels yet today but I am picking up various kits so I should know later tonight. Thank you so much for answering my question, I hope the information above helps.

Do you use aquarium salt? If not, give it a shot. If you have been using it, up the dose. It's safe to give up to 3 tbs per 5 gallons of water. Of course this should be increased by about 1/2 tbs per 5 gallons of water every 2 days. If the fish have never been in it, use half of what's recommended on the box, adding the same amount again in a 2 days. If it's going to work, you'll see a difference within a day or so