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Bala Shark laying at the bottom of tank

23 16:23:58

I have had my bala shark in a 75 gal tank for just under 2 weeks. I noticed last night that he was no longer swimming as much as just letting the current take him all over the tank. Today, he is just laying on the gravel, and when I put the net in (thinking he's dead) he tries as hard as he can not to get caught. I've read that they should be kept in schools, is this true? Also, I have all fake plants in the tank and one fossil type rock that I see him pick at once in a while. He's fed flake food and algea wafers.
This is my 2nd bala that I am losing and I don't know what I am doing wrong, Please help.

Hi Rob:  I would definitely get your bala shark a tank-mate.  They do not harass other fish like some other types of sharks do... They can reach a size of about 18 inches when fully grown.  They are typically known to lounge around on the bottom of the tank... so his behavior is common.  You may consider getting a water pump to give him a stiff current to swim in.  Bala sharks appreciate water temperature between 75 to 80 degrees, pH 6.5 to 7.0.  They are omnivores and like tubi-worms, brine shrimp, and flake food.  They enjoy live plants to nibble on too.  So check your temp and make sure its warm enough for him/her and then I think he should be set.  Please keep me posted on his/her progress... dave