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Urgent Ich

23 16:56:02

I have two goldfish and one panda telescope goldfish in a 20 gallon tank with two filters (One for a 20 gallon that came with the setup and an aqua clear that is meant for a 50 gallon. I wanted strong filters on this tank to keep the water clear and the ammonia low.)  I noticed on the black goldfish that It has two white spots. One actually looks like a very very small tubular worm that why I thought it might be Ich or a fungus, Im not sure. I added Pimafix and Melafix to the tank and removed the black carbon bag out of my aqua clear filter. I turned the heater to 75F because I read that It needed to be done before I added Ich to the water. I also added stress coat in hopes that it would keep their other two goldfishes slime coats from deteroriating, and cycle because my ammonia test is detecting slight amounts of ammonia and this is a new tank so there is more than likely very little good bacteria in it. There is also aquarium salt in the water from where I set it up two days ago. So Im nervous that Im putting so many chemicals in my aquarium and should I go get an ich treatment. and Exacting how do I go about getting this done, I want my gold fish to be healthy
Thanks so much


First off, stop treating your tank with Pimafix and Melafix, at least for the time being. Pimafix is for fungus and Melafix is for bacterial problems. This will reduce the chemicals in your aquarium, making way for you to use an ick cure. I recommend Coppersafe. It is a great product for getting rid of parasites and protects your tank for a month after the treatment period ends.

I hope this helps.
