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sick betta

23 15:18:35

Hi Jaymie

I have a Betta in a 14 litre goldfish bowl with a light air stone and a heater in it.  My Betta began getting ill about 3 weeks ago.  He became very lethargic & lost his appetite, either remained at the bottom of the bowl or just lay in the plastic plant at the top of the bowl gasping for air.  I thought he was going to die but continued to siphon 1/4 of the water out and refilled it with 10 litres warm water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of salt like I normally do every 4 days.  I also tried adding Daro Stop Ick medicine.  I did that 3 times - once a week after syphoning out the water and re-filling.  I could see no visible signs i.e. bronze dust on this body and fins or eaten off fins or white cottone wool like substance around his mouth but I have noticed today on 2 previous wounds on top of his head where he scratched the top of his head on his boat - that they have a white fungus looking substance on them which seems to be growing.  He generally is looking a little better in himself but is still very sick.  I have no idea what could be the nature of his disease.  Could you please help?

 When fish are in a bowl, it is much harder to keep the happy and healthy. The heaters that are made for bowls do not keep the water temperature at 80 degrees. That in the temperature the water needs to be at all times. He is, after all, a tropical fish. When doing the water changes it is very important to make sure the clean conditioned water going in is the same temperature as the water he is in. Do not make that water warmer. This will cause the fish to stress and that brings on disease. It is also important that you do not use medication if you are not positive what the problem is. He is lethargic because his water is not warm enough, and because you are adding warm water when doing the water change. Once he has the right heater, you should see a huge change in him. Adding the salt will help with the wounds on the top of his head, but the main problem is water temperature.