Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Pink fungus?

Pink fungus?

23 15:17:09

pink fungus
pink fungus  

pink fungus
pink fungus  
I have this pink fungus growing in my aquarium and I have no clue what it is. It grows mostly on my sponge filters and there are a few on some rocks. I know so far it has not harmed my tank, but it is unappealing.

My Tank:
Over a 100 cherry shrimps and 2 otos
12 Gallon Tank has been running for almost a year
Temperature: 78 F
Ph: 7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0

Hi Simon,

What you have here is probably pink mold.Pink mold is usually found in the bathroom but can exist almost anywhere in the house. I suggest that you do a partial water change and change the filters. After that, add some algae control and that should fix the problem.

Hope this helps!