Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white lines mineral deposit

white lines mineral deposit

23 15:55:44

QUESTION: hi my aquarium is 20 gal and due to evaporation its glass has got white lines may be those were due to the minerals in the water . how can i remove those whitelines they look so ugly.
or i have to change the glass/ aquarium


Are these white lines above the water level, where water has previously evaporated? If so, simply wiping with a damp cloth will do. you will have to scrub somewhat hard. You will be happy to hear that you WON'T have to replace the glass!

(It's not possible to change the glass in an aquarium... you just buy a new one).

If a damp cloth doesn't work, use a mild, diluted acid such as vinegar. Use one part vinegar for one part water.

Good Luck, and Happy fishkeeping!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks a lot 4 ur kind reply. if i use vinegar as u said , is vinegar safe for fish in the water .

Hi Kim,

When scrubbing the mineral deposits, lower the water level so that the deposits are above the water level. This is extremely important; DON'T get the vinegar in the water.

Put one cup of water in for every cup of vinegar. This will dilute the vinegar in case it gets in the water, making it safer. Try not to get any cleaning solution in the water!

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!