Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sick molly or just pregnant

Sick molly or just pregnant

23 16:54:57

QUESTION: I have a balloon molly whom I believe is pregant. She has the gravid spot on her back side and is only swollen underneath.  In the last 24 hours, she has not been eating as well and has been hanging out in the back of the tank, even lying in the bushes for about an hour last night.  So the problem...........she still hasn't delivered and I think she looks odd.  Her tail fin doesn't look as healthy as usual and she looks like she has skin that is pealing away.  Her scales are not sticking out like a porcupine and her eyes aren't bulging; just an area near her back that looks like it is pealing.  Is this just symptoms of giving birth?  Or does she have dropsy?  She's my favorite. I don't have another tank to put her in.  Can I treat the whole tank of other fishes to try to save her?  Thank you for a prompt reply.
ANSWER: Hi Tammy;

It sounds like a bacterial infection called "columnaris". The area near her back is where it commonly attacks, even though it is referred to as mouth fungus or affects other areas. Look at the edges of the scales and see if they are outlined in white/grey. Here is more info about it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I will start doing frequent water changes.  I have had the temperature up to 78-80 degrees (along with copper treatment) to fight ick, and also so that it would be warm for the new babies that are coming.  I will lower the temperature.  I noticed she has white above her eyes that I don't remember before.  
Should I "put her to sleep" or treat the whole tank with antibiotics?

Hi Tammy;

I would treat the whole tank with the suggested antibiotics and give her a chance to fight it. Even if she doesn't make it the other fish have been exposed so you should do that anyway. Treat with regular Maracyn (or erythromycin) and "Maracyn Two" (or tetracycline) at the same time for 10 days. Also increase water circulation, preferably with aeration or just making sure your filter outflow agitates the surface more. Columnaris thrives in lower oxygen situations and weakens as you raise the oxygen level in the water.  

I hope she gets better...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins