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Moving tank and changing filter

23 16:09:55


First of all I want to thank you so much for setting up your site and providing valuable information about fish-keeping, especially for beginner like me.  I have a quick question for you, I have a 20 normal gallon tank (24x12x16) that I've set up for about 1 week now.  However, I have a whisper filter in there and after much talk with the owner of my LFS, I decide to upgrade to either a penguin or an emperor.  In your opinion, which is better option for my tank? Do I have to start my tank cycling over since I'm switching filter?

Lastly, my tank is put next against the wall since my whisper is an internal filter.  Can I slide the tank out just a tad bit to fit the penguin or an emperor in, or should I drain at least 50%-75% of the water before attempting to do so?

Thank you so much,


Hello Nguyen,

For your first question I myself like penguin filters out of those two choices, however when you say you have a whisper filter. Well out of those three choices (Penguin, Emperor, Whisper.) I would choose the Whisper filter because they seem to last good and strong as well as nice and quiet. And you can leave all the water in the tank just like normal. Also you do not have to re- cycle your tank when putting in a new filter. It is just the same as changing out a cartrige. And yes you can just slide your tank out a little bit to put the filter on the tank. It should do fine. If you have any other questions feel free to ask!


Michael M.