Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > bichir


23 16:46:52

Can 1 Bichir survive in a 10 gallon tank?  If so how big will he be able to get?

A bichir in optimal conditions will reach over 2 feet in length.  A 10 gallon tank cannot accomodate a fish of this size, and even if placed in the tank as a baby, the bichir would be stunted and die very young.  You would need a 125 gsllon + sized aquarium to house a fish of that magnitude.  So simply, the answer about a bichir in a 10 gallon is absoletly no...and he will only get very small due to stunting which will cause his organs to be constricted and essentially he will explode from the inside out.