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Fish having too many babies

23 16:46:53

What do you do when your fish has too many babies?

Hi Taylor,

I can bet that you are dealing with a livebearing fish such as a platy, swordtail, molly or guppy. With these fish, they are well-known for being so easy to breed that they will overpopulate a tank in just a short time. This usually wont happen if livebearers are kept with other community fish that eat the extra fry. This can be small barbs like gold, rosy, or tiger barbs, large tetras such as black widow/skirt tetras, or other larger tetras such as head and taillight tetras, giant danios, or Angelfish. Be sure to research the needs of any of these fish before going out and buying them. These fish are all compatible with any of the livebearers except for the fact that they will eat the fry almost as soon as they are born.

Seperating males in one aquarium and a tank for females is another alternative. But female livebearers can still have several more batches of fry even without a male in the same tank. Eventually they will stop having fry but it will take a couple of months.

Many petstores are willing to take extra fish you may have. And they might even give you store credit or a little money for the babies once they reach a selling size. Contact your local fishstore (ideally a locally owned-shop) to ask about if they'd be interested in taking your extra fish.

I really hope this helps!