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my guppy still looks pregnant

23 16:44:28

Hello! My guppy had babies about a week ago and she still looks ready to pop. Is that just the body shape of a female? We have 3 other males.  Is there something wrong with her?  Thanks!

Hi Hillary
Well, I've never had female guppies, only males.  But, I do have a dwarf platy-same thing as you- that just had some fry, and she still looks pregnant also, not quite as big but bigger then usual.  I mean, it was within a day or so she was looking big again.  So, I did a search online to see if they could get pregnant again that quickly(which wouldn't surprise me lol), or if they could have the fry at different times.  I found it looks like it's yes to female guppies having a different shape like you asked, yes they can "stagger" having their fry-usually within a few days, and yes they can be full of fry again that's a link I found on a forum:

That's all I could find on that.  I do know female livebearers like guppies and such can hold sperm inside them and kind of "use it at will", meaning with no males in the tank, they can still produce fry for up to 6 months.  Also, usually it's recommended to have at least a ratio of 2 females for every 1 male because the males tend to hound the female incessantly.  

You might try posting your question to another expert that's more familiar with breeding guppies/livebearers also.  I didn't intend on mine having fry...really don't have much experience with breeding.  

But anyway, hope that helps!  And good luck!
