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ryukin sos

23 16:25:27

Chris, thank you for your quick response to my question last week about my injured ryukin. I treated him with melafix for a few days and one of his fins started to heal. I also fed him peas and he ate them but has yet to right himself, he is still on his side/back. Shortly after treating him with the melafix however he developed a thick film over his body, I think it's columnaris because he was injured, which i was told to treat with tetracycline. I was only able to find an oral medication which he eats and I thought was begining to work.The fungus appeared to be loosening in many places and air bubbles have appeared underneath it.Today when i checked on him though he has what almost looks like ammonia burns on his face and his beautiful tail is worse than ever. I have no idea what to do for him. He is not giving up, He still eats and tries so hard to swim so I don't want to give up on him but I don't want to make him suffer either. If you have any information you can offer I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much for your time and help.

Hi Jacqueline;

Poor little guy. I would just keep doing what you are doing. If he is showing signs of ammonia poisoning he may need a larger quarantine tank. A gallon is pretty small and ammonia can build up to serious levels in just a few hours. If you haven't already, add air bubbles to it from an airstone hooked to an air pump so he can get more oxygen too. Change 100% of the water every day, right before you add the day's medicine.

Ryukins and other rounded goldfish are unfortunately genetically prone to swim bladder problems. Their body shape compacts it too much and it becomes restricted. Here are some web pages that will shed some light on it for you;

Good Luck....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins