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water heating

25 9:09:48

i am just starting my first hot water aquarium can you tell me what the water tempreture should be for 15 gallon tank.and is my fluval 2 plus filter still suitable? your help will be much appreciated. donna

Dear Donna,
Congrats on starting the new aquarium! I suppose you mean "Tropical" which is pretty much like "Hot water" but tropical is just a more usual term I am accostumed to using.

The 'proper' temperature all depends upon the species of fish you plan to keep. For example, Discus must have warm water or "tropical" temperatures in the mid to high-eighties (82F and up) while other fish prefer a much cooler tropical temperature such as platies who do well in the 76-78F range. Most all of the commonly available community fish sold at petstores all have a very similar general temperature range. *It is always best to research before buying any fish about it's needs and proper care.

An average community aquarium consisting of tetras, platies, corydoras, and perhaps some guppies usually do well in a temperature of 76F. A bit higher is tolerated as well as a bit lower is tolerated also. As a general rule, you don't want the temperature to go below 72F for most tropical fish or above 82F. Fish can tolerate extremes quite well for a short time but of course they should never be subject to them for long periods.

A proper temperature starts with a good heater. I have found that many heaters (especially the cheaper ones) don't run as they should, either they heat too much or not enough, despite being adjusted properly. The best heaters I have found now is the "Visa-therm" by Marineland.

So basically all this leads to is the species of fish you plan to keep. Do much research before buying to be certain those fish are compatible both with each-other and your tank conditions.

I really hope this helps!
Only my very best wishes and happy fishkeeping!