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Freshwater aquarium problem?

25 9:17:30

Hello. Our 10 gal tank has been up about 3 months.  I had the water checked about 4 weeks ago and all was "great" according to PETSMART.
 I have an african aquatic frog,an algae eater(placostimus)about 2 1/2" long, 2 platys and 3 tetras.  One of my tetras, just today, started acting strangely.  He (or she)seemed weak, almost like he was short of breathe and at times swimming sideways.
  So I have isolated him in a small net in the same tank.  What else can I do to help him?
Thank you for your time...Jerri

Hi Jerri;

Tetras do that sometimes and just die for no apparent reason.   Watch the other fish for signs of disease like spots, blotches or anything else abnormal. Keep the poor sick one separated so he doesn't get picked on.

It would be a good idea to make a partial water change too. It helps the immune system in your fish and they need a 25% change every week anyway. Here are a couple of articles about how to clean your tank that may help you get through it easier;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins