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Fancy tail goldfish

23 16:16:46

QUESTION: I have 2 fancy tail goldfish in my platy tank right now, and they are going to be given to my sister-in-law, as a gift.  I just got 4 new fancy tail guppies today, and I would like to know, will the goldfish eat the guppies or will they live peacefully with them?  And, why do the 2 male guppies keep hiding, and I only see the females?

I don't know why the males are hiding.  They could be intimidated by the larger goldfish.  If the guppies will fit in the goldfish's mouth, there's a good chance the goldfish will eat them.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Christy, Amy here again.  Thank you for the answer to my last question.  Now I need to know what do I need to do and have for breeding mollies and platies?  I have a tank set up for them and it's primarily mollies, platies, and guppies in it.  So, is there anything I need to be doing other than getting the baby fish out of the big tank?

Hi Amy
You're welcome :)
To breed mollies and platies....add water and add fish.  That's about it really when it comes to livebearers.  If you want to keep the fry/babies, best bet is to use a totally separate tank, 10 gallons minimum would be best, but less then 10 would work as well.
Make sure there's some hiding places for the fry in the main tank in case you don't get to them right away.  Java moss works wonderfully for that, or caves or other fake plants.    

A filter with something that covers the intake tube so they don't get sucked into the filter or use a sponge filter.

For feeding, molly and platy fry are large enough to eat crushed almost to a powder flake food, but I also like to use frozen baby brine shrimp as well for the first few days.  Feed a few times a day in the beginning, then gradually decrease the feedings till they're old enough to handle once a day.  

A heater for that tank isn't necessary, however I would still recommend having one to keep the temperature stable and in case you need to treat for parasites like ich.  

If you are going with the separate tank for the fry, which sounds like you are since you mention removing the fry-at least that's what I'm assuming anyway, don't have any substrate on the bottom, just leave it bare.  They're little poop machines and it makes it easier to clean that way.

That's really all I can think of at the moment.  Hope that helps and good luck!!  
