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Fish Growths

23 16:50:57

My friend has a pair of " Fancy Goldfish "
They are in a tank that appears to be healthy.

What could be causing the one fish to have nasty looking tumours or growths on the mouth.

This is not a lice or ick issue.

The flesh looks like spikey warts on the upper and lower mouth area only.

Thank you,

Susie C.

Hi Susie
Does it look like white cottony patches?  Are there any other symptoms, like not eating, hiding, clamped fins?

I just remembered reading not too long ago about a virus popping up in carp fish-goldies & koi etc.  It's called fish pox or carp pox.  It's pretty much harmless, starts out as small white spots then they grow in patches and have the appearance of clumping together.  Some sites described them as looking like warts.  Some sites also said it's mainly on the fins or tail, but other sites said it can be anywhere, usually around the head area of the fish.  Here's a link with some photos of it, they're on the fins and body of the fishes, and you can click on the photos for a closer view, need to copy/paste to your browser:

If that is what the problem is, it's a virus so no cure.  It tends to heal on it's own after a month or two, and when the temperature starts warming up.  That site has some good info on it as well.  If that is what the fish has, the only problem I can foresee, would be if it interfered with it's ability to eat properly.  Might need to quarantine the fish, slowly raise the water temperature, and add some salt.  

Let me know if that sounds like what it is!!
