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gouramis and tankmates

23 15:53:44

hi, i am currently setting up a 30 gallon tropical tank, and i am aiming for coulour.I think that gouramis might be the way to go. i am not sure how many or what types i should get though. i also dont know about colourful tankmates. some of the fish i have been interested in are these:
Dwarf gourami
flame dwarf gourami
blue gourami
gold gourami
thick liped gourami
sunset gourami
Boesemani rainbowfish
kuhli loach
paradise fish
bristlenose pleco
(mabey blue ram or kirbensis if they are not to agressive)
do you have any suggestions or fish that i should avoid?

Hi Mike,

Your best option would be to select 2 or 3 different species of Gourami, and mix them with another kind of peaceful tropical fish. Almost all kinds of Gouramis will shoal together, and they can create a nice vivid combination!

All of the Gouramis that you mentioned would go fine together. Once again, I recommend that you only get two to three species, with each species consisting of a pair or threesome (1 male, 2 female).

Some live plants incorporated into the setup would be very nice. I recommend Java Fern, Wisteria, and Hygro for easy care.

Avoid the Kissing Gourami. It reaches an adult size of 10" and over, and you really wouldn't be able to fit one within 30-gallon tank.

Even though a Bristlenose Pleco is a 'dwarf' Pleco, it can still grow to 5". Otocinclus catfish would be a better option.

I would not put Cichlids like the ram and the Kribensis, because those are extremely territorial and aggressive at breeding time, and Gouramis aren't the most agile of fish - they can be picked on easily.

Great tankmates would include all species of Tetras (Except for Serpae Tetras).

Remember to add fish slowly (2-4 max per week) to let the beneficial bacteria in the filter to adapt to the biological 'load'. During the first month, perform 10% water changes every 1-3 days. After the first month, you can switch to a weekly routine of 10-20% of the water changed every 7 days.

Stocking plan Example:

Gourami Species 1 (1 male, 2 female)
Gourami Species 2 (1 male, 2 female)
Gourami Species 3 (1 male, 2 female)

Neon tetras/other tetras - (5)

If you want more suggestions, or if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask me!

Good Luck, and best wishes!