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Minimum Water temperature

23 15:37:36

Hello Renee,
I have a 200 Liter freshwater aquarium with bristle nose pleco, lots of borneo sucker and a couple of discus. I need to know two things please: 1) What is the minimum temperature for these fish to make it and survive? I know the ideal temp is between 22 & 26 centigrade. 2) After reaching the 26 Celsius , is there some clever ways to keep the aquarium water warm for the longest time possible?( I do not have electricity all the time in my area).
Thanks for ur advise and help.

George, they will die if they do not have proper heating and the lowest that the combined species should go would be 28C degrees at the lowest.  That is a temperature you should only house them in for short periods of time, since 31c to 33C are considered the best.

The Discus will die if the temperature gets too low.

The other fish also may not do well, either.  They say they can hit 70 F, but I would not advise that and I'd rather advise that they be kept no lower than 72.

I can't seem to locate any battery operated heaters for you, so here are some links to battery operated heating pads.  Please consider placing them under the tank, or along the glass in the rear of it, so fish can go near to it to get warmth until electricity comes on, if there is an outage.  You may consider buying 4 of these, because of the tank's size.

Air is also a non-electricity issue.  Here are some air pumps run on battery.

Battery operated products run a maximum of 2 hours.  Be prepared.  Keep batteries on hand.

Keep the house good and warm during that time.  If you have gas heat, use it, and if you have a fireplace light it and don't let it go out.  Keep it at least at 75, so the tank stays around 70.

The best thing is a generator.  Run it with gas when power outs.

Good luck and happy fish-keeping.