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New Baby BiOrb

23 16:28:00

I've had my baby biorb set up since Christmas, and even after changing 30% of the water every other day or so, and then changing the water entirely, it quickly develops a strong, unpleasant, almost plastic smell. I have one fish in it, and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all, but I would like to be able to provide her with a more pleasant home!
Do you think there could be something wrong with this particular tank or is there a way to fix this?
Thank you for any help you can offer me.

Don;t change any more water you are not giving the tank enough time to cycle by changing that much volume on a 4gal tank.
What I would do is to restart the whole tank.
take the fish out, put him in a container -drain the whole tank, clean the gravel etc.
refill , add water conditioner, equalize the temp of the water to the temp of the water the fish is in.
Add the fish and don;t feed ....for a day or so.
Do not run the light all the time, 6hrs is plenty at this point as you have no live plants in the tank.
Once you get past a week then you can change a quart of water or so a week depending on the bioload of the tank.
If you have further questions, just ask