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freshwater angel fish behaviour

23 16:01:51

Hi, I am new to keeping angelfish.  I have had 4 angel fish (they have black stripes and kind of orange coloring  on top), plus 3 corydoras, plus one bristlenose, and one other fish that is silver with flourescent red eyes. All of these fish are in a 60 gallon tank. I recently switched to T5 lighting so that I can put plants in my tank. I have had my fish for about 8 months now and just lately the angels are fighting.  They actually lunge at each other and seem to physically fight. They are also chasing each other around the tank. Is this normal behaviour. It does seem like 3 of them are fighting over one but I'm not sure. What should I be doing. Thanks Deb

Angelfish fight. They are cichlids, its bound to happen.

There is really no way to avoid this. You can put in more plants and driftwood, it provides more cover and hiding places, and the angels may not see each other at all times.

If it all comes to it though you will just have to seperate the most agressive.

The overall best way to avoid agression is get either only 1 angelfish, or over a half dozen.