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Fish for a 10 gallon aquarium

23 15:35:30

Dear Hollie, I'm new to the aquarium hobby, and I would like a bit of advice regarding a brand-new aquarium kit I've purchased. I've read many articles about tank setup and filtration, but I'd like to know from a real person with experience what kinds of fish would be suitable for my newly set up fish tank. I am planning on purchasing a 50-watt heater tomorrow.


What a great question Barbara, Setting up a new tank can be so fun.  Now this is just some options, the sky is the limit though.  For a ten gallon set-up I would first make sure the tank is fish ready, adding a biological starter like Cycle can have it ready in a day.  Then you can check for PH, most of your tropicals love softer, slightly acidic (6.5-7) water.  You can start out the life with about 5 slim line tetras (neons, cardinals, black neons, lemons, rummynose, etc...), pencilfish, or smaller danios (such as the glowfish). Wait about 2 weeks, doing a 10% water change once to twice a week.  Check your ammonia to make sure you are ready to add more fish, and test your PH to make sure it's stable. Now you are ready to add some feature fish add 2 to 3 of fish such as dwarf gouramis, ram cichlids (gold, bolivian, german blue, electric blue), or livebearers (mollies, platies, or swordtails). Wait again for about 2 weeks, doing a 10% water change once to twice a week.  Check your ammonia to make sure you are ready to add more fish, and test your PH to make sure it's stable. Finally you can add some clean up crew such as a dwarf pleco (one that won't get but 4in max) or 2 corydora catfish. After that you can choose to decrease water changes to twice a month or keep doing them once a week (recommended)  I hope this can help you start your fishkeeping on a positive start and let me know how it turns out!