Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > what fish eggs are these?

what fish eggs are these?

23 16:20:42

Recently I found a baby guppy but there is only one female guppy in my tank
and no males.That same day I found eggs near my plant. I guessed it was
from my guppy but now I'm not sure. That same day I found 2 new snails in
my tank also.Right now I have 3 snails,4 neon tetras,2 guppies,and 1 algae

Thanks for your help!

Hi Gillian:  Guppies don't lay eggs... they give birth to live young.  So the snail... lays its eggs in a ball of slime that is clear kind of like frogs and the eggs are attached usually to the glass or a plant.  Tetras tend to lay eggs on an object but the plecostomus or algae eater may scatter the eggs around. So chances are the eggs are the algae eater... hope this helps... dave