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parasite on top of tank

25 9:10:39

hi! i've had this fish tank set up for about two months now and i've notice some type of worms growing at the top of the tank.I NEED HELP getting rid of them.(they don't be in the water)just above the water line. and not on fish.

Dear Lakisha,
Although it is hard to say exactly without seeing the critters myself. Worms can be a very common occurance especially if the aquarium may not be getting frequent enough of cleaning.

There are many types of worms that can live in aquariums and often go unnoticed because they are hiding in the gravel. But if that gravel becomes sufficiently compacted, not enough oxygen reaches down and the worms are forced to come up. They can also be found in the wet spots under your aquarium cover which is probably what you are seeing.
Most of these worms are less than half an inch and very tiny almost thread-thin. All are harmless scavengers and are normally beneficial. Most fish do eat them. But their presence can indicate your aquarium may be in great need of more frequent cleaning. First to get rid of them, a good thorough gravel vacumming and water change will get rid of most. And will send the rest back into their hiding spots once more. Then make sure your aquarium is getting sufficient enough cleaning. I would recommend at least twice a week water changes of 20% or more just depending upon your stocking levels.

I would also wipe down underneath your aquarium's cover with a dry paper towel to remove the worms and possibly their food source which can be any organic matter that also splashing up with the water under your cover.

I really hope this helps!
Only my very best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!!