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Plant Waste

25 9:10:39


I've been keeping a 10gal freshwater, heavily planted tank.  I only
keep a few fish (3 white cloud minnows and a mini pleco) along
with an abundance of snails.  I've never had a problem with water
quality or color, but since I do have so many snails, the plants tend
to shed leaves/needles quite often, creating a layer on the bottom
of the tank.  I am wary of scooping it up off the bottom for fear of
stirring up nitrates.  Could this situation perhaps be remedied with
a bottom feeder?  Thanks!

You shouldn't have to worry too much - the plants are helping to maintain the water quality. As long as you don't remove ALL of the plant pieces (their decomposition does play a part in the water quality of your tank) you should be fine. Whip out your net and feel free to scoop away.

Otherwise, I'm not sure your average community bottom feeders (loaches, cory cats) would do the trick. You'd really have to enlist the help of a large-mouthed catfish - but they will definately eat the minnows.