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Pink fuzzy stuff

23 15:18:37


this is a picture of the fuzzy stuff i came back to.

I was gone for a week (my room mate fed my fish) everything was fine before, about 3 weeks ago i put sludge/algae remover (just a little) in my tank, but it was fine up until i left, i did a small water change / vacuum clean before leaving, now there's this pink stuff everywhere..  It was clogging the filter, its all over the fake plants and sides, the sand.

Where did this come from? What is this? and how can I fix it?

Hi Ken,
I'm not too sure ... But it looks exactly like leftover flake/pellet food that has started to decompose a bit. Often leftover food will grow a fuzzy like substances over it lke a fungus.

Its very important that you make sure to vacuum all the pink fuzzy stuff with your gravel vacuum cleaner. You may have to repeat gravel vacuuming and a water change everyday for a few days until all the strange pink stuff is gone. Otherwise, you water will be very polluted to the toxic point for your fish.

I hope this helps! Good luck!