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New fish owner

23 16:09:58

Hi, I hope you can help. I have purchased a fish tank today and it is currently
cycling. It is a freshwater tropical tank. The fish i would like to get for this
tank are small - about 3cm max and they are all white (practically
transparent) with a flurescent stripe along the top (not neon tetras) the shop
have ones with green, blue, or pink stripe. Because i do not know and cannot
find this fish online i am unsure what would be ok to put with them. I was
thinking an angelfish and another fish i cannot find online that are a solid
colour- either blue, green,or yellow and are a bit bigger maybe 4cm long but
"bigger". i am living and working in South Korea and because of the language
barrier im finding it very difficult to ask these questions in the store. The
shop assistant pointed to three tanks of fish which were compatible with each
other and the ones i am interested come from these two.
thank you for you time.

Hi Ellie:  They may be the painted glass fish...

They may be white cloud minnows...

I would look at those two links and see if you can identify your fish... let me know and I will help you find out what fish you have is the above two links do not help... dave