Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Neon Tetra belly discharge

Neon Tetra belly discharge

23 15:56:51

Neon Tetra Belly Discharge
Neon Tetra Belly Disch  
QUESTION: An otherwise vigorous neon tetra has begun to discharge its belly! It is brownish and seems too large to be a worm or other parasite. Maybe the entire egg sac? Refer to attached photo.  Hope you can help.

ANSWER: Hi Weber,
Oh WOW! I have never seen anything like that.

Hope you don't mind but I'd like to post this photo on a fish forum to see what other fish keepers think about it.

It does remind me of part of the sac that a fish's organs are contained in.

I'll let you know what comes up.

How is his behavior otherwise?
Eats well?
Swims normal?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Otherwise, vigorous, but terribly annoyed that I have it trapped in a plastic floating baggie.  I might have to release it back into the tank soon.

I can understand the annoyance the neon must have from being trapped in the floating bag! :)

You should probably release it back into the main aquarium since it is not at all sickly and keeping it contained may just stress him.

I am collecting info at the moment to help with hopefully diagnosing this fish and I will send back info to you asap.

Perhaps it is a tumor?