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how to hatch catfish eggs

23 17:00:48

Hi my catfish have mated and layed eggs what should I do they seem to be eating them.Should I take them out and put them in a small tank.Please let me know thank you Tim

Dear Tim,
Congratulations on the new catfish eggs!

I pressume that they are perhaps Corydoras catfish eggs? As these are the most common catfish species to spawn in aquariums. If so, since these catfish usually attach their little round eggs on the glass or on decorations and plants. You can try gently scraping the eggs off with a razor blade or similar device (please be careful!!) and catch the eggs with a net. You may also try using airline tubing or some other sort of tubing to siphon the eggs out and into a container. It's best to hatch Cory eggs in a special rearing tank ideally with a spong filter or you can try using an established filter or some other type as long as you be sure to block the intake tube to avoid any fry from being sucked in. Several layers of fine netting or a small filter sponge attach over the intake tube helps a great deal.

Hopefully you will get some or maybe even all the eggs to hatch. With most corydoras species, this takes about 3 days or more and for after another 3-5 days the fry will began free-swimming after they have used up all their yolk sac and now is the time to begin feeding them. The best first food may be newly hatched brine shrimp. You can hatch some yourself which is very easy, or try using the frozen kind--just be sure the package says baby brine shrimp and not just brine shrimp which would be critters that are much too large for the fry to eat. You can also feed the babies Microworms and prepared dry food. Hikari makes a special kind of powdered food for baby fish that could be fed as well. Make sure the babies rearing tank is warm and filtered with an oxygentation source. Be sure to try to keep the rearing tank as clean as possible. It is best to do daily 20% water changes to ensure the fry are growing well and are always in clean water. Also, very small and frequent feedings are best.

I really hope this helps! And I hope your catfish are indeed Corydoras!

Best wishes and Happy holidays!