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caeruleus cichlids breeding

23 16:03:04

We have noticed today that two of our cichlids have paired up and are preparing a "cave" by removing the gravel down to glass bottom. They are in a community tank and judging by the carnage caused when our Fairy's mated, we need to move the spawn to our maternity tank. What is the gestation time? We will keep vigilant watch for the spawn and fertilisation, but need to know when to move it. We succeeded with the Fairy's by moving the adults after their third spawning and let them breed in the smaller tank. This time we are too late to move the adults. Thanks you in anticipation. Gordoun & Mary

Typically brooding time is about 20 days or so, give or take. Sometimes it is a bit longer, just depends upon the individual fish.

You probably should read this article which will provide the answers to many of your Caeruleus spawning questions....

I really hope this helps!