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platy fry precautions

23 15:55:46

what are some precations i should take with platy fry in a ten gallon tank with other platties other than the adults eating them, as far as filters feeding etc go???

Hi Courtney;

Provide plenty of hiding places in the form of plants (live ones if you can). Most of the babies can usually get away from the adult fish and hide pretty well. The babies will also nibble on the plants and the microorganisms that live on them. Very good baby food, but they need to eat regular fish flakes too.

If your filter is a power filter that hangs on the back of the tank you can wrap the intake with a filter sponge to avoid the babies being sucked in. Just cut it in half and tie it together around the filter intake screen lightly with cotton string or fishing line. You could also wad up a handful of clean brand new cheesecloth, bridal veil netting, fish netting or mosquito netting and attach it with cotton string or fishing line. Enclose the wad in a square piece of the stuff to hold it all together first. Just make sure it doesn't get clogged. Rinse it out and replace it if it does.

There's really not much else to worry about except making sure they don't get sucked up when you make water changes. Water changes are very important. Replace 25% of the water at least once a week to help those babies grow fast.

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins