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Sick Beta - open wound on side, sinking to bottom of tank

23 15:26:04

Beta Fish 7 month old
Beta Fish 7 month old  
I never thought I would be interested in fish except if they were arranged nicely on my dinner plate. We have had "Betta" for several months and he's my buddy now. I really don't want anything to happen to him.

A few days ago, I noticed a small open circular sore on his left side. The sore was dejecting small amounts of tissue that the other 4 meat pickers started nipping at it, so we quarantined them in the same tank. The following day, fungus started growing out of the wound. We began treating him with salt treatment and fungal medication from the pet store. I maintained proper chemicals, PH and Temp while relocating everyone to temporary boles. Spent almost 3 hours cleaning out our 10 gallon tank/toys/snail/rocks/pupm/etc.  Then, poured old water back into tank with fish. All levels still look great - ph, chem, temp

This evening, Beta shows signs of a bad swim bladder. He rests on the bottom, and only floats up top to rest on our heater for a short while before sinking back to the bottom for a nap.

The kid at the pet store (nice kid/ means well) suggested treating the fungus infection 1st, then treat bacteria issue.

The whole is still there on his side, he's lying on his side, (not swimming) and will only come up for air when he is able to rest on the heater. He looks miserable.

The only thing I can think to do at this point is wait for the Fungal meds to work and then start on the Bacterial meds? But how long to wait between treatments? Also, I understand some of this might have been caused from constipation. I was considering starving Beta for a couple days to clear him out. But I'm hesitant to add to his discomfort for an unproven reason.

We really like this little guy, and would appreciate any help that you (or anyone) could give us.

Some things I may have left out:
-10 gallon tank
-live plants which float on top
-78 degrees constant
-PH normal
-nitrite safe
-nitrate safe
1 beta 7months old
2 mollies 6months old
1 glow fish 2 months old
1 danio 3 months old

I am thinking the problem started with the mollies nipping at the Betta. Also, those two fish should not be in the same tank. Betta's are tropical and the molly is brackish. Male Betta's should be in their own tank with no other fish. The danio are a shoaling fish and need to be in a group of 6 or more. Since the glofish is a zebra danio, its the same. You can try to add a few more glofish to the mix, but I would either remove the Betta or the mollies. Make sure the Betta is in his own tank and treat with aquarium salt. He does look a bit bloated. You can either treat with regular aquarium salt or Epson salt. Fast him for 2 days and on the third day, feed him a cooked shelled pea, then fast again for 2 days. DO NOT feed him the shell of the pea because he will not be able to digest it. Fasting him once a week and feeding the pea the day after will help prevent swim bladder disease. I would stop the fungus medication and start treating him with Maracyn and Maracyn 2. Maracyn is an antibiotic for gram-positive bacteria and Maracyn2 is an anitbiotic for gram-negative bacteria. These two medications work very well together. Just follow the directions on the package and remove the carbon from the filter.