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pearl gouramis

23 16:20:36

I have a pearl gouramis that has patches or discoloration on the body skin.
Also the bottom fins has hole in it. The hole is in the middle of the fins and
not at the edge from other fish biting. This fish is the biggest in the tank.
Fish eats well and move fine. The patches seem more like the body is losing
its outer coating and is not any external growth. This also shows up  It also
shows up at the top of the head. The patches and holes on the fins are
getting more and more. Its been like this for 4 weeks already.
The water condition is fine. Ammonia, PH, Nitrate , Nitrite, Chloride are all at
good levels. I change 25% every 2-3 week and vacuum the gravel at the same
time. Aeration is on 2/3 of the day. I feed them once a day and all food are
eaten fast. I have try salt a week ago and this doesn't help.  I not sure what is
causing this. Please advise.

Tom C.

Hi Tom:  Sounds like a fungal infection. I would try a fungal medication such as Fungus cure, etc.  Jungle makes some nice med products for fish but I am not sure what their name brand fungal med is called.  Fish disease begins with one or both of two issues... 1) unclean habitat and 2) poor nutrition.  You are going to need to do 10-20% water changes and gravel vacuum on a weekly basis and you will need to feed the fish a varied diet as well as feeding them twice per day no more then what they will eat in 3 minutes.  Try some live food too such as brine shrimp or tubiflex worms along with a quality flake food.  Hope this helps... dave