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feedign tropical fish

23 16:57:43

i know that it is good to give fish a varied diet and i usually only feed my community tank tropial flake food... the only other thing i haev is beta food.. can i gice them that every once in a while aswell?

Hi Sam;

It's okay to give them betta food but if it's still dried food they need more of something else. Feeding vegies are good for them, and easy too. I give all types of my fish romaine lettuce bits, peeled cooked peas, cucumber slices, cooked shredded carrots, and cooked green beans. It keeps your fishes' digestion working well and carrots and greens help keep their colors bright. Feed these foods 3 times a week or so. They can be left in the tank to nibble for several hours at a time, unlike dried or frozen fish foods that rot quickly.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins