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How many fish can I keep?

23 16:37:54


I would like to know how many fish I can keep in my 4 foot 33 gallon tank, currently I have 4 corys, 5 lemon tetras, 5 neon tetras, 3 cardinal tetras, 5 zebra danios, 2 powder blue gouramis, 2 moonlight gouramis, 1 angel, 1 swordtail and 3 mollies.  Do you think this is too much for the tank as it is?  I have around 10 medium sized plants with 2 small rocks and one medium sized one.  I change water every week around 25% and the fish that I have just now are all nice and bright and healthy so I don't want to over-stock but would like to know if I would have space for another angel? My tank has been set up for nearly a year now with no problems.  I would be ever so grateful for any help.  Thanks.


Hi Clair
I would say you're at your max right now, and wouldn't recommend adding any other fish at this time.  This sounds mean-and sorry I don't mean it to, but I'd wait till a few of those die before adding another angel fish.  They do grow quite large and need the extra room.  And, if you happen to get one and it pairs up with the current one you have, they can get a bit aggressive if they breed/lay eggs.

Hope that helps and let me know if you have more questions!
