Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > camellanus


23 16:39:36

INFO: I have a 75 gallon; set up six months; 27 fish (odessa, aurilus, tiger,
black ruby barbs and rummy nosed tetras); 2 mystery snails; canister filter;
ammonia 0, ph 7, nitrite 0; change water weekley 10% with RO water and added

I asked another of your experts on how to treat camellanus which most, if not all, of my fish are infested with. I wanted a follow up question answered, but he was maxed out. Anyway, I was wondering if my snails can carry the parasite and should I leave them in the tank when I treat with levisol. and if I do leave them in, will they die? He gave me some websites that have people treating this DIFFICULT parasite, but no mention on the effect on mystery snails.
Thank you,

Hi Danielle
I did a quick search, and this was the only link that popped up, it's a forum post, read the last one:

And I stumbled across this one, another forum, they mention treated at the proper dosage, snails should be fine.

Can't say if snails can carry it though.  

Hope that helps!
