Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > no of goldfish in tank

no of goldfish in tank

25 9:07:02

10 goldfish 3" long
6 orfe 3" long
need to over winter in tank .
how big should tank be.

Hi Tony;

Those guys are all messy fish that get big so you can't follow the "one inch per gallon" rule as with fish that stay small. They're going to grow indoors too. I wouldn't put them in anything smaller than a 70 gallon, 90 would be better. Get a very good canister filter, or even two. You will have to transfer them to the tank slowly, because it isn't through a break-in yet. Put two or three in the tank to break it in for 6 weeks and then after the 6 week break-in period add a few every week until they are all in there. The beneficial bacteria that processes their waste in your filter needs that time to accomodate each addition of fish. They will need a water change of 25% every week as well as a gravel vacuuming every 2 to 4 weeks. Here is more on the break-in period so you know what to expect and how to deal with it;

I hope all goes well.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins