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Oscar cichlids

25 9:21:38

I have heard many opinions on tank size for oscars
and I would like to know your opinion on ONE Oscar but Only ONE and no other fish living in a 29 gallon provided 50% water changes are made once a week.
And filters are kept in check.
I read this in a very informative beginner fish
book called "the simple guide to freshwater aquariums" The Author raises oscars himself so I would think that he would be right on tank size.
I have an Oscar cichlid myself that is about
9 inches and lives in a 29 gallon with NO other fish. Three times a week we do a 30%-50% water changes and filters are cleaned frequently.
I am careful about feeding and don't give feeder goldfish or feeder anything EVER!
Just a good variety of freeze dried krill,
Hikari brand cichlid pellets, Shrimp pellets,
Tetra Variety wafers, Freeze dried brine shrimp.
And others. My Oscar seems very happy and he is very healthy for sure. He enjoys digging holes in his gravel and attacking his reflection in his mirror. He has never been sick or bad looking.
In fact he is better looking than most other Oscars I've seen!

So I would like to know your opinion on ONE oscar in a 29 gallon with VERY frequent water changes.
We are experienced Aquarists and keep a great deal of tanks and species of fish.
Thank you for your help,

An Oscar is an enertaining fish.
A 29 Gallon tank is fine.They do reccomend a 55 gallon for one oscar though.As for the water changing the tank only needs to be 20-30% changed a week.Filters should be changed between 1 week and a week in a half.They really like feeder goldfish.It enertaining to watch them chase them around the tank.But feeding feeder fish you have to make sure the fish aren't infected.Oscars get a disease called the hole in the head disease.This can be cured by paragon.It is made to cure this disease as well as others.
what you are feeding him is fine if you don't want to take the chance with feeders.But i recommend a feeder every once in a while.They need there meat too.
I hope this helps you.
You need anything else don't hesitate to ask.

Thank You for asking

James Bowker