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mollie poop

23 16:21:56

65 gallon tank, aquaclear 3 stage filter, ph 8.0, nitrates, nitrites and ammonia levels good, tank temp at 78 and have added the recommended aquarium salt ( i tblspoon for each 5 gallons of water). I have 6 neon tetras, 2 peacock eels, 1 goldfish, 2 barbs and 2 dalmation mollies i purchased 3 days ago.

My question is that one of the mollies has become listless, hiding in the plants and sitting directly over the bubble wand along the bottom of the tank and tonight i noticed a 2" white string hanging from its anus. i immediately separated the fish and removed the strings i found in the water fearing it is some type of tape worm. Does this sound like a tape worm? It does not seem normal for fish excrement.

Hi David:  could just be internal parasites... either way I would treat her with a parasitical medication that you can mix with her food... If its worms... the med will help with those as well... Keep her separated during treatment if possible.   please keep me posted... dave..